Shipping within Australia
These are the delivery services we use. For a more precise estimate of current transit times with Australia Post (regular or express), tap here to access the Australia Post Delivery Time Calculator (origin postcode is 3025).
Australia Post
2-7 business days
$7 or FREE for orders over $70
Generally 2-4 business days for delivery to VIC, NSW, ACT and QLD. Delivery to WA, TAS and NT can take a week or more.
Australia Post Express
1-2 business days
$15 flat rate
Speedy next-day or two business day delivery to most locations in Australia.
Startrack Courier
Same-day delivery
$12 to $20 (varies with location)
Only available in metro Melbourne if ordered by 11am on a business day.
Tracking & Delivery
Once your order is shipped, you'll be sent an email with a tracking number. If you haven't got an email from us, check your spam folder or get in touch.
If you're not home to collect your items, the postie will leave a slip in your mailbox and you'll have the option of collecting your items at your local post office.
If your order is taking longer than usual to arrive, we would suggest contacting Australia Post or Startrack in the first instance. We don't usually have more information than they do in regards to where your parcel might be. If you do suspect something has gone very wrong, please get in touch and we'll see what we can do.
International shipping
If you're interested in shipping internationally, please get in touch and we'll see what we can do.